What exactly Cloud and IaaS , PaaS, SaaS


3 min read

What exactly Cloud and IaaS , PaaS, SaaS

Before Cloud Computing:

Businesses and individuals completely relied on physical infrastructure 🏢 to store data, run applications, manage IT resources. It requires purchasing and maintaining servers💻, networking equipment🔌, and storage devices 💾 on-sites or in data centers 🏭.

Challenges :

  • High Costs 💰: Upfront is required for Physical hardware.

  • Limited Scalability 📈: Scaling 🔼 and 🔽 demands time consuming and business had to purchase additional hardware.

  • Complexity 😓: Managing and troubleshooting hardware & Software issues was complex and requires specialized skills and resources.

Enter Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing is like having a digital universe where we host our software or web applications 🖥️. Instead of setting up our own servers, managing the physical hardware and infrastructure 🏢 ourselves, we rely on remote servers provided by a cloud service provider ☁️.This Cloud service providers provides a pool of shared resources 🔄, including servers, storage, databases, and more, over the internet 🌐.


  • Cost-Efficiency💵: Pay-as-you-go basis, eliminating the need for upfront capital investment💰📉.

  • Scalability 🚀: Cloud services can scale dynamically based on workload fluctuations 📊 without worrying about hardware limitations.

  • Simplicity 🎉: As cloud providers handles all the infrastructure, security and maintenance. This frees up time and helps to focus on innovation💡 and growth 🌱.

you can control, How much your applications and web sites depends on cloud providers as below

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 🛠️: like renting the basic building blocks such as virtual servers, storage, and networking components, from a cloud provider.

It's as if you're leasing a construction site 🏗️ where you can use tools 🛠️ and materials 💻 to build your own custom solutions. With IaaS, you have the flexibility to construct and manage your virtual environment ☁️ without worrying about physical hardware.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) 🛣️: provides a complete development and deployment environment in the cloud where you just need code your website or application.

It's like having a pre-built highway 🛣️ with all the necessary tools 🛠️ and infrastructure 🖥️ ready for you to use. You just need to bring your code 📦and ideas, and you can accelerate your journey to deploying applications 🚀 without getting bogged down by the complexities of setting up servers.

Software as a Service (SaaS) 📱💻: delivers ready-to-use software applications over the internet, eliminating the need for users to install, maintain, or manage any infrastructure.

It's like having access to a fully-equipped smartphone📱 or computer💻 with all the apps you need at your fingertips. You simply subscribe to the service 🌐, and you can start using the software📦 immediately.

Note💡: Connecting the dots 🔗 of the previous blog with the current blog story, which is available on My LinkedIn.